There’s a lot more to plastering than people realise. First, there are commercial and residential plasterers-they all do basically the same work, but they tend to specialise in either commercial or residential projects. Then you have a whole slew of different kinds of jobs that are performed by commercial and residential plasterers in Sydney : plastering by hand, plastering by machine, finishing and patching plasterwork, applying an additional coat of plaster, applying texture to the plaster, and installing decorative mouldings. The basic job description for all plasterers is pretty much the same: apply layers of plaster to walls or ceilings in order to smooth out rough surfaces and fill in cracks. Commercial plasterers in Sydney tend to work on larger projects, like applying layers of plaster to entire buildings and large rooms. Residential plasterers in Sydney tend to work on smaller projects such as filling in cracks in walls or adding texture. Residential plasterers often speci...